Nour Musleemah
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of ALLAH, the Beneficient, the Merciful.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Peace be upon you.
~♥♥ أمة الله باهرة ♥♥~
(the name - ain't mine)
the UN-skilled Ingenious designer.
the Infamous blogger.
the new experience Lover.
the Imperfectionist photographer.
the Un-perfidious person.
the Infatuous personality.
the Unpredictable behaviour.
Perhaps as a musleemah, I was too gauche to fit into high society eventhough I'm glad being one amiable person but sometimes my effervescence of humour and love can be contagious! (: Yet still I'm one of those paradoxical women which you'll find miserable in understanding her un-uniqueness characteristic.
I can get Ferociously-Piqued. IF all of my efforts were for naught.
...سوف اصبر في نعمة احتبار الله, إن شاء الله
♥ Di tepi kerinduan ini, ku memandang hampa pada dunia. Aku sedar bahawa diri ku hanya insan biasa yang tidak lepas dari rasa kecewa. Hanya kepada-MU tempat ku mengadu segala pahit getir kehidupan yang telah ku lalui selama ini. Walaupun tidak dapat ku nafikan begitu tersiksanya jiwa ku menerima semua itu, namun aku percaya tiada yang sia-sia. Semua kan ada hikmahnya. ♥ - Aku yang masih terus menghitung sisa-sisa umur ku.
Spread the LovesSs of Islam,
أمة الله باهرة
بارك الله فيك
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