
Alex Bailey


My name is Rev. Alex Bailey. Yes, I am an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church.

I wear guyliner occasionally and have a mohawk that is constantly changing colors. As I am writing this it is mostly bleached with pink and purple in it. I have snake bites, which I think are amazing and worth the money I spent on them. I am kinda chubby but I think I wear it pretty well.

I am very gay and very out.
My best friend is a Glen Seaman. He is like a brother to me.

I care very much about a Mrs. Nicole Hackelberg who has changed me in ways nobody else could. ALthough I don't know what she is feeling right now. Probably nothing.

Hmm. What else.....

I live in gay ass Grove, OK. Which I hate, although the lake is pretty during the summer.

I used to live in Kansas City, which I miss alot.

I plan on living in Vancouver someday.

I aspire to be a very successful Funeral Director.

And to marry a very amazing guy and have two children whose names will be Viktor and Rayne.

I go to shit tons of concerts and have seen most of my favorite bands.
I love music, it is my lover.
i love my cell phone, it is my mistress.
I love MONSTER, I am it's bitch.

My cell number is 816-447-4995, so hit me up. =)

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