White Coat Investor
Website: https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/17-ways-to-screw-up-a-backdoor-roth-ira/
White Coat Investor is an online forum and blog that helps medical professionals navigate their finances and understand things like physician disability insurance. White Coat Investor’s founder, Jim Dahle, is a practicing board-certified emergency physician. He has written a detailed blog post on White Coat Investor about physician disability insurance. In his article, Dr. Dahle outlines the top 10 questions doctors have about physician disability insurance. He provides a video, explaining some of the details, so that his readers have the understanding and confidence they need to secure their family’s financial future, and make sure they have the right policy for their needs. You can read this article and many more blog posts written by Dr. Dahle about finances and investing for physicians on whitecoatinvestors.com.
#Financial #physician disability insurance
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